What is Divorce Mediation & How Does it Work if I Have A Prenup?

Divorce mediation, especially when there is a prenuptial agreement, provides a healthier way to separate or divorce. You can protect your children from the harm of litigation, save time and money, and create a customized agreement that meets your unique needs.

Reviewed by Michael Aurit, Esq.

You may be wondering what happens during a legal separation or divorce. Mediation is especially helpful for couples with a prenuptial agreement. It provides a flexible yet structured way to talk about prenup terms and address all topics.

So what are the benefits of mediation? 

Divorce doesn't have to drain your life savings on attorney fees –you can choose a path that protects you financially, and is better for your entire family.

—Michael Aurit

Founder of The Aurit Center for Divorce Mediation 

  • Saves Money: Mediation is less expensive than litigation. With flat fees between $2,500 and $4,000 per person, mediation is a fraction of the cost of going to court, which can cost more than $25,000 to $100,000 per person.
  • Saves Time: You stay in control of your mediation timeline. You can complete your process as efficiently as you like, or take as much time as you like. The Aurit Center reports that most often, people reach all agreements in just 2-4 months instead of taking a year or more in litigation.
  • Helps Protect Kids: Mediation prioritizes the well-being of children. It is all about helping parents create personalized parenting plans that support the kids’ emotional health and stability.
  • Parents Stay in Control: Couples maintain control over their divorce terms.
  • Provides Emotional Support: Mediators guide and support you through your process. This helps you reduce stress and focus on a positive future. 
  • Allows for Flexibility and Creativity: In mediation, parents create unique agreements that fit with their specific situation.
  • Keeps Your Information Confidential: Mediation meetings are private, unlike court cases where information is public record. Mediation protects your personal and financial information. 

Divorce mediation, especially when there is a prenuptial agreement, provides a healthier way to separate or divorce. You can protect your children from the harm of litigation, save time and money, and create a customized agreement that meets your unique needs. 

Selecting the right mediator is crucial. If you are considering mediation, First recommends going with experienced, industry-leading experts like The Aurit Center. The Aurit Mediation team is empathetic and compassionate. Combining backgrounds in law and psychology, they designed a simple, caring, and strategic process. They can help you focus on reaching your best agreements and make positive, healthy choices for your children.

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Disclaimer: Michael Aurit is a legal advisor to First and the owner of The Aurit Center. The links contained within this post are affiliate links and First receives a % of any packages purchased through these links.