The Right Way to Talk to Your Partner About a Prenup

A step-by-step guide on how to bring up the subject of a prenup to your partner.


Discussing a prenup can be challenging, but there are several ways to make the conversation easier and more productive:

1. Start Early: Initiate the discussion about a prenup well in advance of the wedding. Bringing up the topic early allows both you and your partner sufficient time to process the information and have meaningful discussions without feeling rushed.

2. Frame it Positively: Approach the conversation with a positive mindset. Emphasize that a prenup is a proactive step to protect both parties' interests and ensure financial transparency and clarity in the relationship.

3. Focus on the Relationship: Remind your partner that the prenup is not a reflection of your lack of trust in the relationship, but rather a practical measure to strengthen it. Emphasize your commitment to the relationship and your desire to plan for your future together.

4. Use "We" Language: Frame the discussion using inclusive language that emphasizes unity and collaboration. Instead of focusing on individual interests, emphasize how the prenup will benefit both of you as a couple and protect your shared goals and aspirations.

5. Educate Yourself: Take the time to educate yourself about prenuptial agreements and their purpose. Understanding the legal and financial aspects of prenups will enable you to have a more informed and constructive conversation with your partner. Our blog is a great resource!

6. Choose the Right Setting: Select a comfortable and private setting where you can have an open and honest conversation without distractions. Avoid discussing the prenup in public or during stressful or emotional moments.

7. Be Transparent: Be transparent about your reasons for considering a prenup and what you hope to achieve through the agreement. During the prenup process, transparency is the key to success - be open and honest about your personal finances and assets so that nothing is confusing or forgotten. Encourage your partner to share their thoughts, concerns, and expectations openly as well.

8. Listen Actively: Listen attentively to your partner's perspective and concerns without interrupting or dismissing their feelings. Validate their emotions and demonstrate empathy and understanding throughout the conversation. You may not always agree during this process, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing; taking the time to understand your partner’s perspective not only helps to bring you into alignment, but helps to strengthen your relationship for the future as well.

9. Consider Professional Guidance: If needed, don’t be afraid to seek out the advice or counseling of a neutral third party, such as a mediator or counselor. External support can help facilitate productive and respectful discussions as well as help you and your partner navigate any challenging emotions or points of conflict. If you or your partner have questions about the prenup itself, refer to our educational materials to better understand the legal process and its implications. 

10. Take Breaks if Needed: If the conversation becomes emotionally charged or overwhelming, don't hesitate to take breaks and revisit the discussion at a later time. It's essential to prioritize the emotional well-being of both you and your partner throughout the process, and starting the discussion early means neither of you need to feel pressured or rushed through the process.

By approaching the discussion with empathy, understanding, and a focus on mutual benefit, you can make the prenuptial agreement discussion easier and lay the foundation for a stronger and more resilient relationship. If you don’t know how to begin the discussion of a prenup with your partner, refer to our post on how to initiate the conversation: